Join us this Sunday @ New Joy for a time of exalting JESUS our King.
Please take time to read the list of Covid Precautions we have put in place to keep everyone safe. You can join us for worship in-person or via our Conference Line. Worship will also be posted on Youtube as well as Facebook. We invite you to join us as we connect to worship Jesus.
Wednesdays -Bible Talk @6:50pm (Conference Line only)
To Connect via Conference Line (339) 207-8743
- Doors will open @ 10:50am, and we will begin worshipping inside the sanctuary @11am
- We will be encouraging social distancing for our in-person gathering. Family members of the same household are encouraged to sit together. Others will maintain 6 feet apart when finding seats and use non-touch greetings (no shaking hands, no hugs, etc.).
- We are asking those who are sick, or who have recently been around someone sick, to remain home. If you are showing any symptoms, please help us protect others by staying home until you are completely well. We will continue to have the conference line open and encourage you to join in worship from home.
- As a safety precaution, we are asking that everyone take their temperature the day before the worship service and the morning of, as well. If it is 99.4º or above, please stay home to protect others.
Please tune in to the announcements during the services or pay attention to our website and social media for further updates.
Click on our Youtube Channel or our Facebook page below to listen in.